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1-10PCS ESP32 Wireless Module ESP32-S ESP-WROOM-32 ESP-32S with 32 Mbits PSRAM IPEX/PCB Antenna with 4MB FLASH for arduino
FT232RL FTDI USB 3.3V 5.5V to TTL Serial Adapter Module for Arduino FT232 Pro Mini USB TO TTL 232
1-10pcs ESP-12F Serial Development Board ESP8266 Wireless Module ESP12F Upgrade Remote Module ESP12 Programmer For Arduino
ESP32-WROOM-32D ESP32 WROOM ESP-32 4MB 8MB 16MB Dual Core WiFi Wireless Ble MCU Module ESP32-WROOM-32 FOR Internet of Things
50PCS 4x6/3x6mm H 2.5mm 2Pin Tactile Push Button Switch Phone Button SMD Micro Momentary Switch PCB Mounting
ESP32-WROOM-32E 4MB 8MB 16MB Dual Core WiFi Wireless Bluetooth-compatible MCU Module IOT ESP32 WROOM 32E Wireless Module
ESP32 ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 ESP32-S3-WROOM-1U ESP32-S3-MINI ESP32-S3-MINI-1U Dual Core 4MB 8MB 16MB MCU WiFi Wireless Module
SX1276 Wireless Transceiver Module Lora 868Mhz 915MHz Modulespread Spectrum Long-Range Wireless Communication LORA / GFSK ESP32
Algolaser Laser Rotary Roller Laser Engraver Y-axis Roller 360° Rotating for 6-150mm Engraving Diameter for Cylindrical Objects
ESP32-WROOM-32UE 4MB 8MB 16MB ESP32 WROOM 32U 32UE WiFi Wireless Bluetooth-compatible Dual-mode MCU IOT Module
ESP32-WROOM-32E 4MB Flash ESP32 Dual-core WiFi Bluetooth-compatible Wireless Wi-Fi MCU Module IOT ESP-32 WROOM 32E
ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 N16R8 dual-core WiFi& Bluetooth MCU module Internet of Things wireless module
Cltgxdd 5~50pcs Type C 4Pin USB SMT Socket Connector USB 3.1 Type-C Female SMD DIP For PCB design DIY high Current Charging Port
SW-420 Normally Closed Alarm Vibration Sensor Module Vibration Switch SW420 For Arduino
4pcs ESP8266 ESP-12F ESP-12E WiFi Serial Module Microcontroller 802.11N Wireless Transceiver Remote Port Network Module
3.7V 160mAh 250mAh 300mAh 500mAh RC Palne Rechargeable lipo Battery for Remote Control FX620 FX820 F22 SU57 Mige530 Airplanes