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ID: 32436247121
Old price: € 2.88
Seller: 1194737
Original 0.96" OLED SPI/IIC I2C white/blue/yellow blue 0.96 inch OLED module 128X64 OLED LCD LED Display Module For ARDUINO
2.0 inch LCD display module SPI interface 2 inch LCD serial interface TFT ST7789 resolution 240*320 IPS 22pin D200FPC9384-C
4inch 480*480 ESP32 LVGL Ar-duino WIFI&Bluetooth LCD Graphic Display TFT SmartDisplay Screen Module Development Board With Touch
ESP32 c3/s3 Ardunio ESPhome HMI LVGL 1.28 inch 2.1inch WiFi Blue Circle knob Press Smart Display LCD Module for Smart home
0.91 Inch OLED Module 0.91" White Blue 128X32 LCD LED Display 0.91" IIC Communicate for Arduino
Led Display Screen Panel, p10 Led Module Panel Color, Led Display Module, Advertising Display, Color Display
0.91 OLED Display DNA75 128*32 Pixels White Color 8Pin SSD1306 IIC I2C Interface Plug-In MI12832DO For DNA 60 75 200 250 166
PC-3224C3-2A LCD display screen
70PIN TN Positive 6-Digits Segment LCD ED139 6 Digit 7 Segment LCD Display Screen Static Driving TN Positive Display 5V
PSP1000 LCD screen(LQ043T1DGxx / LQ043T3DXxx) is suitable for SONY PSP1000 series gaming console screen replacement
1602a 2x16 lcd display 16x02 i2c LCD module hd44780 drive Multiple mode colors are available 5V power supply
10Pcs Push Button Switch SPST 2Pin 3A 250V KCD11 Snap-in On/Off Rocker Switch 10x15mm
L298N Stepper Motor Driver Controller Board Dual H Bridge Module for Smart Car Power MEGA R3 Mega2560
400W 15A DC-DC High Power Constant Voltage Constant Current Boost Power Module LED Boost Drive Notebook Battery Charging
ESP8266 ESP-12 ESP-12F ESP12F CH340G CH340 V2 USB For WeMos D1 Mini WIFI Development Board NodeMCU Lua IOT Board 3.3V With Pins
Tactile Switch Momentary Tact 6x6x4.3/5/6/7/8/9/10mm 6*6*4.3mm 5mm 6mm 7mm 8mm 9mm 10mm Middle pin 2pins
2PCS GX12 GX16 GX20 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12/14 Pin Male Female Butting Wire Cable Circular Aviation Socket Plug Panel Connector
50pcs 1bit 1 bit Common Cathode Digital Tube 0.56" 0.56in. Red LED Digit 7 Segment
1PCS ON/OFF Round Rocker Switch LED illuminated Car Dashboard Dash Boat Van 12V 24V / 6A 250V / 10A 125V 2/3/4PIN Switch 20MM
100pcs Ceramic capacitor 50V 1pF ~ 100nF 0.1uF 104 4.7PF 10PF 22PF 33PF 47PF 100PF 101 220PF 221 330PF 470PF 1NF 103 47NF 473
DC-DC 400W 15A Boost Converter Constant Current Power LED Driver Input DC8.5-50V Output 10-60V Voltage Charger Boost Module
12V Round Rocker Switch AC 6A/250V 10A/125V SPST 2 Pin 2 Position On/Off Toggle Switch for Car Boat Automotive RV Black
5Pair 15EDG KF2EDG 3.5mm 3.81mm 3.96mm 5.08mm PCB Screw Terminal Block 2-14Pin Male Plug Female Socket Pin Header Wire Connector
GX12 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pin GX12 Aviation Connector Terminal Block Mobile Docking Type Connector Female & Male
5pcs GX12 GX16 GX20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Pin Male Female Butting Wire Cable Circular Aviation Socket Plug Panel Connector
5PCS SFM-27 Buzzers 3-24V 12V Alarm Continuous Beep 95DB Beep Alarm High-decibel Buzzer for Arduino
L298N Motor Driver Controller Board L298 Module For Arduino Dual H Bridge DC Stepper Motor Smart Car Robot
5Pcs GX12 Connector Nut Type 2/3/4/5/6/7 Pin Male Female 12mm Circular Aviation Connector Plug Panel Mount Socket Plug
GX16 Only Female Plug connector 5/8" Circular Connector 2 Pin female pin connector 3pin4pin5pin6pin7pin8pin9pin10pin
2PCS Buzzer SFM-27 Active Buzzer High-decibel 3-24V 12V 95DB Electronic Buzzer Beep Alarm Intermittent, for Arduino